February 05, 2009

a s murthy is the best person to head satyam

"A S Murthy is the best person to head Satyam Computer Services" Karan Karnik

The newly appointed CEO of the Satyam Computer Services, A S Murthy, is the best person to manage this cricis hit company, according to company's board member karan karnik.

When Karnik was asked why the board decided to pick up a person for the important job from within the company. He replied "Murthy is the best person because he knows the customers and the employees,"

Karnik said this was decided after briefing Corporate Affairs with Minister Prem Chand Gupta about developments in the Satyam, along with other government-appointed board nominees like HDFC Chairman Deepak Parekh and CII Chief Mentor Tarun Das. 

On the possibility of takeover of the IT company, Karnik said, "He is the CEO...we don't know what the new person would do. We are going ahead. We have already said all options are open." 

In addition to Murthy, the Satyam board also roped in Homi Khusrokhan, a Tata group veteran, and chartered accountant Partho Datta, as Special Advisers to help the company in management and finance areas, respectively. 


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